
Do I have to call the cops!?

So, tonight after Sean and I put the kids to bed we were rummaging about the kitchen (you know, to binge on food we don't want to eat in front of our offspring), when we hear someone yelling. We pause...we listen.
We look at each other. The noise grows louder.
We look up the stairs. That can't be our daughter. The noise is now loud enough to shake the walls of our house.
Mwhahahhahahah....So, there you have it. My little three year-old is going on a cranky 68.


2009 Here I come!

I recently happened upon a journal entry penned by myself when I was a mere nine years-old. And yes, there it was, amidst my feelings about my mother's macaroni and cheese, what my cat did, and school yard crushes, was a list of goals. A lot of them very similar to the ones I always have on my mind. I don't know if I should find this disturbing (seriously, could I not have mastered these already?) or humorous (almost twenty years later, turns out I'm still the same person).

Anyway, this year instead of all my regular resolutions...I'm going to go a little different. Let me explain. The following is a list of the resolutions I should be making.

1. Losing weight. This was not on my list when I was nine. However, "better grooming" was (mwhahahaha). I find that so amusing, as I still never make time to properly pluck my eyebrows. Moving along....I think they fall in the same category. I think I've finally come to a point in my life where I've realized if I'm not eating healthy and doing a serious cardio workout at least every other day, my happiness begins to suffer. As a result this is not a resolution, just a way to keep my happy flowing.

2. Be a better mom. I don't think this needs to be a resolution for me. Because, I truly believe the majority of moms wake up every morning wanting to do the best by their offspring. I know this is true of me. If I'm already doing my best...well, that's my best. Can't do any better, no resolution there.

3. Increasing my spirituality. This was a goal on my nine-year old list in the form of "read the Book of Mormon". It is not a resolution for the same reason that losing weight and being healthy is not a resolution. If I relax on my spirituality for even three days, I feel my happiness level begin to drop. So, it's more like a need, like water and food for me. I can always do better...but there will always be room for improvement in this area. I will take it a day at a time.

So...now for the fun part! What are my new year resolutions? Now that I've successfully disposed of the heavy resolutions and why I'm not making them, I say go for the frivolous! Go for the fun! Go for the slightly silly!

1. Make my house cute. When I moved into my current house I was in a terrible pregnancy state that caused me to crawl up the stairs at the end of the night due to fatigue. Then, I had Jared and the year flew by. Now that things have slowed down I've realized I haven't moved in yet. I find this annoying and full of possibilities. I will organize (I just moved all my junk), I will paint (finally), I will decorate!

2. Write! This is a resolution because if I am not writing at least a half an hour a day, I feel all weird and bothered. This means I've felt all weird and bothered for a year and a half. Thankfully, I've been too busy to notice. But now, the feeling is back. I need to get back to the pen and paper. The idea makes me happy....really happy...kiss! This will be the hardest one for me to keep because I only have so many spare hours. I might have to say good-bye to the television or to sleep. I haven't decided which one yet.

3. Umm...that's it folks! This even startles me! I love goals, I love resolutions, but I only have three spare hours a day, and I think I just filled them. Besides, I don't want to overload myself. If I did want to overload myself, I think I would learn to speak french. Everyday I wake up wondering if there will be a reason for me to fly to France. I think "to practice my French" qualifies as a perfectly understandable reason. I saw an infomercial about a Rosetta stone that would help me learn french in three months. I almost bought it. Almost.

But I got enough to do...