
Try Harder?

You know your grooming skills might be tanking when your daughter asks if you are going to church whenever you put mascara on and comb your hair.


  1. that is HILARIOUS!! It's incredible the things kids notice.

  2. Hey, at least you put it on for church, and make it out the door with a newborn!

  3. I'm still laughing. That is so great.. and it's exactly how it is for me.. I'm sure Jayden would say the same thing if he was old enough. Oh man, that cracks me up!

  4. I'm pretty sure Ryder would to (as I sit here at noon in my pajamas)

  5. you are entitled - I doubt I would ever make it out the door with two young kids!

  6. joseph totally did that! hilarious! actually even when i started to groom him first. isnt that awful?!

  7. When I brush my hair Max says "Where we going?"

    Also, you know your husband may have too many church meetings when he steps outside to get something from the car/get the mail/whatever, and your child says "Have fun at your meeting!"

  8. At least you're getting to church. I had a hard time going for the first 3 months with Abby. Good for you! And don't feel pressured about grooming -- you get to relax about it when your baby is so tiny.

  9. That's funny. :) My daughter usually asks "Where are you going?"

